An easy approach to book railway window ticket
How to Create an IRCTC New Account In 2021?
To create a new account in IRCTC, you have to go to the official IRCTC Website and register yourself, by filling in the necessary details. After the Sign-up Process, you have to click on the Register Tab and log in to your freshly created IRCTC Account.
Let’s see how it goes, by following some mini-steps:
Step 1: Go to the IRCTC Official page and click on the Register tab from the top bar of the following screen.

Step 2: After opting to register your Account on IRCTC Portal, you will have to enter all the required details under the Basic Details section.
You have to give in the following details:
- A Fresh Username, that is not used by anyone before and can be remembered easily. In case you forget the Username, just click here.
- An Alphanumeric Password, that should be unique. Make sure to confirm the Password by re-entering the section below.
- Enter your preferred language
- Choose a Security Question, followed by its answer.
After entering the required details, click on the Continue button.

Step 3: After continuing with the required details, slide the screen to Personal Details and enter the details, as shown below.
Details to be entered:
- Full Name
- Employment Status
- Birth Date
- Marriage Status
- Nationality
- Gender
- Email Address( that you want to register)
- Phone Number
After entering all the necessary details, click on the Continue tab.

Step 4: After entering the Personal Details, slide the screen towards the Address Section and click on the Register tab after entering the details.

Step 5: After the Sign-Up/ Registration process, you will receive a confirmation message, as shown below. Click OK to Continue.

Step 6: After creating an account on IRCTC, you will receive a message regarding successful account creation. Just click on the Login link from the message box, as shown below, to log in to your freshly created account that will help you to book tickets online through IRCTC.

Log in to your IRCTC Account through User ID
Let’s scroll down through the quick process to log in to your IRCTC Account page, through the Login ID and password.
Step 1: To log in to your IRCTC account, go to the IRCTC website
Step 2: As you see the following screen, click on the Login tab, from the top right of the screen.

Step 3: On the Login Page, enter your Username, followed by the password set at the time of Sign Up. And clear the Captcha by tapping on the redBus icon. Continue by tapping on the sign-in Tab.

Step 4: From the screen below, you can also select the Login & Booking with OTP option to directly sign in through the OTP received on your registered mobile number. And click on the Proceed tab, from the screen below.

How to Book Tickets on IRCTC Website?
To book the tickets through IRCTC, just follow the steps below.
Step 1: Go to the IRCTC Website, and fill in the details to book the tickets. Enter your destination details with the date of departure and classes or coach, then click on the Search tab, to check the availability.

Step 2: Now, choose the seat and booking details, and click on the Book Now tab.

Step 3: Now, choose the available tickets by clicking on the availability box and click on Book Now Tab.

Step 4: After choosing and checking the tickets, you will receive a confirmation message like the one shown below to confirm if you have checked the guidelines. Just read and click on I Agree tab

Step 5: After following the above step, you will get another confirmation message, to assure the dates and bookings schedule. Just click on the Yes tab, after reading and checking it.

After following the step-by-step guide, as shown above, just log in to your IRCTC account, by entering the login details and password.
How to Change your IRCTC Password?
There can be times when you are running late to book your travel tickets through IRCTC Train services, but, unable to do so due to IRCTC Password troubles.
In case you forgot your IRCTC Password, or are unable to remember your IRCTC Password, and want to change your IRCTC Password, you can easily follow the steps below to do the same.
Step 1: Go to IRCTC Login Page, and click on the Forgot Password tab, as you see the following screen.

Step 2: Under Forgot Password section, enter your IRCTC User ID, enter the Date of Birth, followed by the Captcha code. Then, click on the Next tab.

Step 3: Under the following IRCTC Section, enter the OTP received on your Registered Mobile Number and enter a new password. After confirming the new password, enter the captcha code and click on the Update Password tab.

After updating your IRCTC Password, log in to your IRCTC account again to continue booking tickets.
How to Get Back your Forgotten IRCTC User ID?
There can be times when you are unable to remember the User ID of your main travel account. If that is the case, let’s see how to recover the details of your IRCTC account, so that you can continue booking train tickets to enjoy your long-awaited trip, hassle-free.
Step 1: Go to the Login Page under IRCTC Login Web Page, from the following screen. And click on Forgot Password.

Step 2: Under Forgot User ID, enter your Registered Email Address, Date of Birth, followed by the Captcha code. And click on the Submit Tab, as you can see on the screen below.

Step 3: After submitting your Email ID, you will receive a code on your Registered Email ID with a message notification, as shown below.

Step 4: After that, go to your registered Email ID, and check for the message from IRCTC in your Email Inbox. You will directly get your forgotten User ID.