Essential Information For Planning A Trip To Dubai

  • Sep 17, 2024
  • Reading time: 6 mins read
  • By Arunima
plan a trip to dubai

In the past few decades, Dubai has developed a reputable image as a luxury destination.

The city is portrayed as a playground for the rich and famous and somewhere keen travelers who desire to tour the place at least once, naturally, this all led to increased tourism from Western nations. 

All foreign visitors to Dubai must know what to expect when traveling there on vacation. 

However, this does not only mean looking for the best hotels and attractions that the location has to offer.

One also has to know exactly how one should enter into that country, the conduct that should be maintained, and the items that should be hidden or taken away. 

Last but not least on this checklist, one has to be careful not to ignore or offend any customs and practices which may be unwelcoming. 

In this article, I have shared some things to consider when planning a trip to Dubai.

Travel Documentation For Dubai And Possible Restrictions.

Passport and Visa – the two most prominent pieces of documentation for traveling to Dubai

The visa is simple enough, and you get a 30-day tourist validity starting from the time you arrive in the country, you don’t need one for shorter stays as there are restrictions with passports, however. 

Emergency passports are not valid, and your regular passport must be valid for six months after your arrival, they also don’t accept any with an X gender marker.

You should also make sure you have appropriate travel insurance for the trip and a valid driver’s license if you want to rent vehicles during your stay. 

Comprehensive travel insurance means you’re completely protected in the event of an emergency or medical incident. 

On that note, you will also want to check with your doctor about any recommended vaccinations – it’s always worth getting them updated to keep you safe.

Another thing to check before traveling is the travel advice from the government, there are occasionally travel warnings for foreign countries based on current events in the region. 

The current status on the official government website contains a Level 2 advisory warning for increased caution in the United Arab Emirates.

The Traditions And Etiquette

There are many misconceptions about the customs and laws in Dubai- some assume it is far more restrictive than it actually is because it’s an Islamic nation in the UAE. 

Others think they can get away with far too much because of Dubai’s popularity with Westerners. 

The truth is somewhere in the middle, you need to be respectful of the local culture at all times and be cautious when out in public.

For example,  they don’t like PDAs in Dubai, and that can catch some couples off guard. 

Also, don’t assume you can just save it until you get to your hotel room, as unmarried couples can’t share a room, and extra-marital sex is illegal, as are same-sex relationships. 

You also need to be very careful if you visit during Ramadan or go to any religious sites, it’s illegal to eat in public during this festival.

All drugs are also illegal, with the risk of prison sentences for possession or any evidence of use, this is even true for CBD products. 

However, alcohol is more freely available than expected, provided it’s on licensed premises, and drinkers are over the age of 21.

Most Searched Dubai Places 

What To Wear In Dubai

When visiting Dubai, the most asked and concerning issue is ‘what to wear?’, and something that does not even offend anyone. 

Well, many will conclude Dubai has a very relaxed and open-minded regard to clothes, it’s always better to respect the culture and customs.

So here is the list, 

  • Women are advised to cover their arms and legs unless swimming in the pool- this extends to cover their hair when visiting religious sites. 
  • Also, going back to LGBTQIA+ rights in Dubai, cross-dressing is illegal as this poses a potential issue for any trans, non-binary, or gender non-conforming visitors.
  • The best approach when packing clothes for Dubai is to go for items that are light, loose, and cover as much as possible. 
  • Leave the strappy vests and tank tops behind and go for long-sleeved shirts and shawls to stay modest. 
  • Bring plenty of maxi dresses, such as long skirts that are breathable and don’t reveal any skin, also, don’t forget those stylish scarves for your hair. 
  • Finally, don’t forget some comfortable footwear for exploring the city. You can’t see it all in just sandals.

So once again – if in doubt, always go for the ‘safer’ choice.

Do You Know?
Dubai Holds More Than 300 World Records.

Other Packing Essentials For Dubai

With the clothing sorted, you can start to think about the rest of your packing list for Dubai travel

Your toiletries bag should have everything you need to stay fresh on your travels while complying with airport regulations. 

Make sure this includes plenty of sun protection because Dubai can be relentless, that’s why a personal water bottle is a good idea too.

You can bring electronic items to Dubai as long as you have the right adapter to charge them at the outlets. 

This means you’ll be able to stay in touch with every one, take photos, and make the most of your trip.

Another thing to consider is a separate secure bag to take with you on your day trips that will hold all your cards, exchanged currency, mobile tech, identification, medication, and any other necessities. 

Choose something that sits close to the body and has plenty of zippered pockets for added protection.

The great thing about the affluence and vibrancy of Dubai is you’re not short of places to pick up any items you don’t want to take in your luggage. 

You can also find some stunning designer goods to take back home, so leave some room.

Be Realistic And Respectful To Enjoy Dubai At Its Best

If you take the time to honor the customs and expectations of locals in Dubai, you are sure to have a great time with no issues. 

Think about what you’re going to pack and wear to stay comfortable and modest at all times. 

Most prominently, learn about the cultural norms and how to respect them, and make sure that your passport is fully valid.


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