Oh, sweet 2000s, how many wonderful memories we have from these years. It was these years that gave us the wonderful game The Sims, which has become a part of our everyday life.
In the late 80s, Will Wright created SimCity, which was a simulation of the city, where the player could create and manage their own metropolis. This game became a very successful franchise, but when the author himself looked at the people inside the buildings, he decided to create also The Sims. Similar to this game can be called a game ccplay toca boca, in which you can also create your own world and manage them. Another popular game with similar themes can safely be called Bullfrog’s Theme Hospital, which mainly focuses on people, but still focuses on the construction and management of the hospital. In turn, The Sims allows you to control individuals and shape their lives. This game attracted the attention of not only younger people, but also older people, it literally took over the world. It was released in different formats, it could be played on the old phone, as well as on the PlayStation and computer.
Newcomer’s Greeting
A red arrow that glows invites you to play the game. The first person to greet you is Bob Newby, who is patting himself on the stomach and belching. You have to study the tutorial and read the instructions while ordering Bob and his wife Betty to do various tasks around the house.
In the game, you get money 20 thousand simoleons, which you can use to buy something or build a house. If you do not have enough money to buy something, you can click on the cherished cheat and get it.

Beginning players The Sims taught responsibility and showed the consequences. Each character in the game had a needs panel, sometimes it changed color from green to red. Thanks to this panel, you could tell what your character wanted. Sometimes if you didn’t have time to take your character to the bathroom, the character may feel embarrassed, or if he will be hungry for a long time, it may lead to the premature death of the character. That’s why it’s always worth paying attention to the needs panel. The needs panel in The Sims game consists of the following main items:
- natural need;
- nutrition;
- liveliness;
- joy and leisure;
- companionship;
- hygiene.
Game Development
With the advent of The Sims 2, the graphics are much better than in the first part. The scale and control of the characters have increased. In the second part, you can fully observe the lives of the Sims from birth until death. Heroes of the game can start a family, get pregnant, and have children, and the older Sims could become a grandfather or grandmothers.
The Sims 2 gave the ability to choose the type of body, facial features, and skin color for your character. More characters could study in college and know the whole taste of the college years. Wishes and needs were added to the panel, adding more humanity to the characters. This version introduced performers who sang their songs in Simlish.
In 2009, one of the authors of the original game, Will Wright, and five years later, The Sims 3 appeared. This game awakened even more interest among players. In this version, you can observe each landscape more clearly. One of the features of this version was the rabbit holes, which were very large, and your characters could safely fit in them and do their thing, which the player himself cannot see. Players’ opinions in this regard were divided, some were unhappy that the player was not shown what their sim was doing.
In 2014, the new Sims 4 came out. In this version, neighboring areas were now cartoonish; the creators removed the 3D view as they had in previous versions. Neighborhoods had a minimum of empty lots where you could build a house without destroying anything.
The next version of The Sims 5 has been talked about for several years. The creators have hinted that the game is under development. Players hope that the base game will have pets, car control, and other interesting elements.