7 Tips for Your First Casino Trip – The Ultimate Guide

casino trip

Some bookmakers represent glamor by attracting tourists from around the world searching for something in common: the feeling of being in a Hollywood movie.

Cinema, by the way, is one of the main factors responsible for further whetting the public’s curiosity about casinos, who are increasingly interested in experiencing the euphoria of betting a few dollars without breaking the law.

Thinking about those who have yet to have this experience, we’ve separated some valuable tips so that first-timers don’t do poorly when it comes to betting and, who knows, make some money.

Choose a Casino with a Good Review

To help with this “research,” search the internet and read comments from other people who have already used the platform. Critical data must be evaluated during your search. Join casinos that show reputable sites and companies. 

Check if there are reviews that speak well of the casino you are researching. Also, evaluate the reviews on social networks. Enter the casino website and look for customer support.

Atlantic City may be on your list if you are going on a casino trip in the US. The Borgata Casino it’s a classic with a good reputation. But there are more amazing casinos in the state of New Jersey. To find the best ones, use a reliable source like OLBG.com’s page of NJ casinos

What to Play?

Good casinos offer a wide variety of games. They range from modalities with cards, such as Poker and Black Jack, which require specific technical knowledge, to traditional slot machines, also known as slot machines. These come to represent more than 60% of a casino’s revenue due to the number of units available for betting.

The fact that they do not present great difficulties to the player accredits them as “a good start” for beginners. Dice and roulette are also among the options and are well-attended, but like the machines, they depend solely and exclusively on luck.

Understand the Rules of the Game

Before venturing into the betting world, you must know how to play what you have chosen. Many players are highly irritated by sharing a table with someone who needs help understanding the game. Asking too many questions is also not good practice.

Card Handling

Avoid scolding! Be careful with the cards if you are playing Poker or Black Jack. Be kind. Do not force or tighten them too much. Also, be cautious with drinking glasses and their possible markings.

Some players, with bad intentions, try to manipulate the game through tricks like these, and the croupiers are watching.

Photo for Instagram?

Very calm at this time. As exciting as your first time at a casino is, logging everything to Instagram isn’t a good idea.

Some bookmakers are very strict about the use of cameras and cell phones. If you are sitting at a gaming table, the reason is quite simple: security and privacy from other players.


In some countries, tipping is more than expected. It is mandatory. Therefore, it is an excellent form to evaluate the local custom and verify the need to treat the croupier and the waiter/waitress. If applicable, consider the treatment received when choosing the amount.


Apart from slot machines, which accept money, all other games use chips, which must be purchased in advance from the croupier. But attention: do not hand the money directly to him.

Dealers cannot touch players’ hands to prevent fraud. Put the money on the table and wait for him to exchange the bills for the chips. After that, just bet and enjoy.

Never bet more than you can

It may sound cliché, but when visiting a casino in Atlantic City or anywhere in the world, never bet more than you can spend.

It all depends on luck and, in some cases, your card-playing skills. So the tip is to separate a specific amount of dollars you are willing to bet and nothing else when visiting a casino. If you miss it, it’s worth the experience. If you win, even better.

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