10 Best Travel Tips for a Safe Thailand Vacation


Thailand is a wonderful travel destination, that is a favorite spot for many travelers. Before visiting Thailand for the first time, one can prepare for a seamless trip. Listed below are the 10 best travel trips for a safe Thailand vacation.

  1. Carrying Cash
  2. Dress Code 
  3. Avoiding the Sun
  4. Temple Behaviour
  5. Nightlife in Thailand
  6. Try on the Street Foods
  7. Renting Scooters
  8. Know the History of Royals
  9. Be in Touch with the Travel Agent
  10. Tuk-tuk Rides

Carrying Cash

Thailand is one of the most amazing places in the world that is best suited for a vacation. And one of the major reasons for its popularity is the fact that the entire trip to Thailand costs much more affordable and one can have a memorable time visiting the place. This trip can be arranged easily with the help of Thailand packages that help one to have a smoother trip. And one of the best ways to get to the easier transaction while in Thailand is carrying around cash. It is also recommended to take smaller amounts from ATMs and to carry cash when you are visiting a remote part of the place.

Dress Code 

Thailand is known for its wonderfully alluring and historic temples. Some of the most popular temples here include Wat Arun, Temple of the Emerald Buddha, Wat Mahathat, Wat Benchamabophit Dusit Wanaram, Wat Rong Khun, and Wat Chedi Luang to name a few. Visiting temples is a major attraction in Thailand and one must be properly prepared before visiting temples in Thailand. Visitors are advised to wear clothes that cover them up like long pants and shirts with sleeves. A sarong is recommended. Avoid wearing revealing or tight clothes which is one of the best travel tips for a safe Thailand vacation.

Avoiding the Sun

The Summer in Thailand can be hard and it is better for one to prepare beforehand to have a pleasant experience. As there are several outdoor activities available in Thailand, it is advised for one to be perfectly ready to withstand the heat and enjoy having a great time. Carrying all the sun-prevention essentials is carried including hats and scarves. The primary item to carry is sunscreen which one must not forget. On the other hand, summer in Thailand is a great thing for activities and water sports on beaches and it would be more enjoyable if you did all the precautions as well.

Temple Behaviour

While visiting temples in Thailand, there are several rules that one needs to follow. Apart from the above-mentioned dress code, one also needs to follow it. First and foremost, before entering the temple, one should remove all of their footwear outside. Always respect the worship process in the temple. Never take selfies with the buddha statue as this is a place of worship rather than an attraction. Don’t disturb the people who are worshipping here as well. And these rules are to be followed in all the temples that you are visiting in Thailand. One can learn a lot about the culture here.

Nightlife in Thailand

Thailand is also known for its vibrant nightlife and there are certain things one needs to follow to have a safe and smooth time. There are several bars and clubs in Thailand that offers the best nightlife experience. And one can experience the entirety of the nightlife by following some common tips. While drinking, beware of bucket drinks and being overdrunk. And always stay with your pack, if you are traveling in a group. The most common rule is for one to look out for the surroundings and keep out an eye. Keep your belongings safe. Do not leave your bag/purse unattended. 

Try on the Street Foods

If you are in Thailand, be sure to check out all the street foods available here. This is a must-to-do thing in Thailand that one should not miss. There is a range of authentic street foods available throughout the place. Some of the iconic street foods include Pad Thai, Pad See Ew, and Guay Tew. Eating street foods in Thailand is one of the most popular activities to do in Thailand. And more than that this is an easier way to experience the culture of the place. This is one of the best travel tips for a safe Thailand vacation that one should not miss experiencing.

Renting Scooters

One of the most popular ways for tourists to explore Thailand is by taking on a scooter. And this is the perfect intimate way for one to explore the beauty of this place. Renting out motor scooters is a common practice here. But before renting a scooter in Thailand, one must acquire an international driver’s licence. Without a proper license, you might get caught and have to pay a fine. It is also recommended for one to stay away from scooter rides if you are not confident in driving. There are several transportation facilities available for a safer journey within the country.

Know the History of Royals

While visiting Thailand, it is important for one to know about the royals. It must be noted that speaking ill or making any disrespectful moves against the royal family in Thailand must not be tolerated. In fact, it is an official crime to disrespect them in any manner. So it is advised for one to not bring up the royal family in any way possible. In necessary situations, try to be respectful. One should be aware of these facts and while in Thailand must follow them. This is probably one of the most important facts to follow while visiting Thailand to have a smoother travel experience.

Be in Touch with the Travel Agent

Though it seems like an obvious tip, one should not take it lightly. It is advised to always keep in close touch with your travel agent or guide, especially if you are a first-time traveler. One would have a hassle-free travel experience if everything is sorted out beforehand. Pre-planning and knowing the last details of your trip are recommended. But more importantly, if one needs any doubts regarding an unfamiliar thing, it is easier for one to clear them by contacting the person directly and immediately. This is one of the best travel tips for a safe Thailand vacation that must be useful. 

Tuk-tuk Rides

Tuk-tuk rides are one of the significant experiences one would get in the country. One can enjoy the authentic Thailand experience by riding this. But as fun, as it sounds, it is also easier to be scammed by it. Although Thailand is a wonderful country with the nicest people, there are some scammers around waiting to rip your money with the prices. It is advised to not take on a tuk-tuk ride if you are not happy with the price. It is also to be noted that some of the scammers would charge you more and drive around the city for hours. Be sure to look out and avoid these rides.

Thailand is one of the most pleasant places in the world that one should not miss. By following the above-mentioned tips, one would be able to have a memorable vacation here.

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