The Time I Explored The Entire United Kingdom On A Budget

  • Oct 22, 2024
  • Reading time: 10 mins read
  • By Arunima
travel uk in budget

I’ve always wanted to travel, but I rarely found the right time to pursue this desire. The thought of exploring new places and immersing myself in local cultures always seemed so exhilarating and fulfilling. 

Even as a child, I remember always being excited when our annual school trip rolled around. The trip’s destination didn’t even matter that much, I was just glad to go somewhere I hadn’t been before. 

As an adult, my sense of wanderlust stayed ever-present. That said, I was working with a pretty tight budget and had to resign myself to my humdrum life in Oxfordshire. 

Fortunately, travelling seemed to be my destiny and I soon found myself on an adventure across the entire United Kingdom. Get ready for a tale of excitement, new experiences, unpredictable obstacles, and lovely memories. 

To think, it all started when my company announced they’d be organising a corporate team building in Leicestershire

Prepping for the Big Trip

My company has always valued building a sense of camaraderie and togetherness in the workplace. We had had almost six team-building workshops in the last year alone, but so far they’d always happen within company premises or in the local area. 

That’s what made their Leicestershire team-building activity announcement even more surprising. It was no trip to Paris, but it was immensely exciting news to me all the same. For the past ten years I’d never even left Oxfordshire, so you can only imagine how thrilled I was at the time. 

Soon after, I was talking to a couple of friends in Manchester and telling them about my little corporate trip. This was when one of them suggested making the most of this opportunity and turning it into a mini-adventure across the UK.

Despite having lived in the country for so long, I hadn’t seen a lot of it so I was instantly game. I spent the next two days reviewing and adjusting my budget to plan for and accommodate this little trip. 

My friends and I had multiple calls following this one and created a final plan to cover as much ground as we could in what little time we had. 

A day before I had to make the drive to Leicestershire, I packed all my essentials into my favourite bohemian suitcase. I may not be travelling far, but I wanted to look the part of every other traveller. I also packed plenty of classic snacks and mini meals to avoid spending more than I’d have to along the way. 

On Friday morning, I bid adieu to my apartment’s little allotment, tucked away my allotment planting plan for the weekend, locked my doors and set out for Leicestershire. 

Strengthening Team Spirit in Leicestershire

The drive to Leicestershire was very pleasant, with sunny skies and bright sunshine the entire way. After arriving at our company-covered accommodations for that day, I quickly freshened up and met up with my colleagues. 

Our company had rented out a paintball package at an adventure sports facility and the entire experience was more fun than I could’ve ever expected. As someone with more energy than I knew what to do with, paintball was the ideal activity to let it all out. 

Initially, we all found the gear and paintball gun a bit hard to manoeuvre. But, within just an hour, my teammates and I were speeding across the course and ducking behind barriers like expert soldiers. 

I gave that battle my absolute best, and it paid off when my team seized victory in our match. I’d never been too competitive, but I was practically over the moon when I found out we’d won. After a round of celebration, and a couple of digs at our losing opponents, we soon left the facility and headed off to dinner. 

The day ended with a couple of good drinks and good food at a local bar. I think that was one of the most fun days I’d had in a long time. 

Driving Through the Northamptonshire Countryside

After saying my goodbyes to my colleagues and supervisors, I set out for Northamptonshire the next morning. I’d planned to spend the morning sightseeing over there and visiting a local farm I’d heard a lot about. 

Northampton, with its scenic landscapes and beautiful architecture, really was a sight for sore eyes. I parked my car and soon spent what little time I had just walking around and exploring the town. 

As I arrived at the farm later that day, I was overjoyed to see it look exactly like I’d imagined. The old couple who owned the farm were extremely sweet and a pleasure to converse with. 

On arrival, they briefed all the visitors on how to interact with the animals, before leaving us to explore the grounds. We got to collect eggs from chickens, milk cows, and even groom the horses. 

I’d have to say my favourite animals were definitely the horses. They were very calm and gentle and a delight to interact with. During the grooming session, we got to shampoo their manes, give their coats a trim with some horse clippers, and choose a saddle for each of them. It was a lovely time and the pet lover in me felt immensely fulfilled. 

After spending around two hours at the farm, I decided to make my way back to the AirBNB I’d be staying at. This was when disaster struck. 

Dealing With The Disaster

When I was halfway to my residence for the night, my car broke down. I looked up the closest garage I could find and called for assistance. Upon arrival, the mechanic informed me that my car battery had died and would need to be replaced. 

Unsure about what to do, I asked the mechanic if he could keep my car for the night and drop me off at my AirBNB. In my room, I decided to sit down and examine all the facts. My car required serious repairs and I had spent the last of my spare money on booking accommodations for this trip.

This was when I called my friends in a panic, just about ready to have a complete meltdown. They calmed me down and then helped me go over my options once more. This was when one of them suggested short term loans

I’d heard of these loans before, but never thought I’d ever need one. So, with a little apprehension, I decided to do more research into it. 

I was pleasantly surprised to find various online lenders and loan offers online. After carefully examining the terms and conditions, reviews, and comparing loan options, I put in my application for a loan. Luckily enough, I was approved pretty quickly and received the funds I needed the following morning. 

After breakfast, I immediately made my way to the garage and paid for the replacement battery. The mechanic was awfully kind about the whole situation and even reminded me to come down for my MOT in Northampton later that year. 

With new vigour in my step, I set out once again, towards Manchester. Along the way, I stopped at Warwick Castle, and Coventry Castle, and had lunch in Derbyshire. My travel journey was back on track once more. 

Meeting My Mates in Manchester

I hadn’t seen my friends in over a year, so I was immensely excited at the prospect of hanging out with them once more. For the next two days, my friend Laura graciously welcomed me into her home. 

The entire drive to her place was filled with music I loved and a smile on my face as I thought about all the amazing things we could do. As soon as I knocked on her apartment door, I was immediately attacked with a hug. Laura always gave the best hugs.

Our other friends, Lucy, Jack, Oliver, and Susan would be joining us for lunch at Laura’s later in the day. So, I took advantage of the time I had to catch up with Laura and get settled in. 

Lunch was a spectacular affair. We all drove to Cheshire for a lovely meal of Cheshire pork pies and some classic bangers and mash. The whole afternoon, we roamed around the city and shared tales of what we’d gotten up to in our personal and professional lives over the past year. 

After a lovely afternoon in Cheshire, we all drove to Liverpool for a night of fun at a cocktail bar Jack was dead set on visiting. Always down for an adventure anywhere, I quickly agreed. 

After a couple of drinks, we set out to a nearby pub for a couple of beers, before finally calling it a night and heading back home. Thankfully, Oliver and Susan had volunteered to be our designated drivers for the night. Unfortunately, this also meant they had plenty of ridiculous pictures to commemorate our night of inebriated debauchery.

Heading Home With Unforgettable Memories

The next day, we all set out to explore parts of Wales and Bristol. That day was even more fun than the first if you can believe it.

Jack almost fought a cow and Lucy was just about ready to scream as Oliver and Susan sang old-school songs the entire way. Meanwhile, Laura and I were tickled pink to watch all of the chaos unfold.

We visited multiple iconic landmarks across the Welsh countryside, and even took a picture with the signboard at ‘Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch’. We traipsed around Tintern Abbey, explored the Forest of Dean, and enjoyed a little picnic in Wye Valley.

We also feasted on a variety of flavourful dishes, including traditional Welsh Cawl, and laverbread, and washed it all down with some Bristol beer. At the end of the night, we all made our way back to Laura’s in Manchester for a good old-fashioned game night. 

From Monopoly to Cluedo, Risk, and Trivial Pursuit, we played all the classic board games in our arsenal, staying up until the early hours of the morning. It was with a heavy heart that I bid farewell to everyone and began the journey home. 

Closing the Chapter on an Amazing Adventure

In no time at all, my lovely trip had come to an end and I was back in my little apartment in Oxfordshire. 

This trip is one I still look back on quite fondly, and who would’ve thought it all came to fruition purely because my company loves building team spirit? 

I had an absolutely amazing time. I’d managed to see more of the UK in 5 days than I had in 22 years, and I got to do it with some of my closest friends. I also managed, for the most part, to stick to my budget throughout the trip.

While I may not get to travel across seas or visit other parts of Europe in the near future, I feel fulfilled. More than the destination, I truly believe it’s the journey and the people you make the journey with that make any trip one to remember.


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